Stem Purge Systems
Every Refinery has their own need and application for purges and each purge has a very specific function and use. Correct understanding and operation of purging is necessary for proper valve operation, performance, and reliability.

Damage to valve internals due to excessive purging

The typical FCCU Valve stuffing box requires a continuous and constant stem purge flow to prevent any material from the process inside the valve from entering, binding or damaging the stuffing box or packing.
Smart Purge™ System
Purge medium flow should be monitored and controlled to prevent over or under purge issues that lead to valve component damage. Our systems can provide options that range from basic manual control up to the Smart Purge™ System which provides status and alarms to allow plant operations to easily identify issues early, take preemptive action to reduce the risk of purge related valve damage.
The Smart Purge™ System provides:
- Continuous controllability and monitoring of the purge supply
- Feedback on purge volumetric and mass flow rate, pressure, and temperature
- Critical parameter alarms
- Field upgradable
Applications include:
- Catalyst Slide Valves
- Catalyst Plug Valves
- Flue Gas Gate Valves
- Flue Gas Diverter Valves
- Expander Butterfly Valves
- Catalyst Withdrawal Valves
The TapcoEnpro Smart Purge™ System’s precise control and monitoring will provide today’s refinery operations with the tools needed to eliminate purge related valve damage.